Yaskawa GPD506/P5 with Apogee FLN Option User Manual

Page 18

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Operating Variable

Point #


even when the network is not the command source.

This value matches #60 only when the network is selected as the command
source (#55 = 4,5,6).

PID Feedback


Reports PID feedback. If PID is disabled, this value will be zero. This point is
only available on GPD506/P5 drives.

Fault Status


Reports the drive fault status (1=Fault).

4.3.2 Reading Other Parameters – #70, #71

Two points are defined for reading any drive parameter:

#70 - Specifies the parameter to be read.

#71 - Reports the value of the specified parameter.

Refer to the appropriate Technical Manual for a detailed description of all parameters.

NOTE: The increment listed in the Technical Manual must be considered when interpreting a

reported value. For example, a read of GPD506/P5 parameter n070 (GPD505 n066), DC
Injection Time at Stop, which reports 10 in
#71 is actually a setting of 1, since the
increment for this parameter is 0.1 seconds.