Yaskawa VCD 723 User Manual

Page 47

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Non-Volatile Ram-Access


❏ At this point, the ESC key, the Up Arrow key, or the Down Arrow key may

be pressed.

Press the ESC key to return to the function entry mode without performing
any value transfers.

(press ENT) T994

Press the Up Arrow key to restore the parameter values in the active memory
area (RAM) from the values in the last saved memory area (NVRAM). A
message will appear showing that the restore is taking place. This will be
followed by a message explaining that the restoration is complete. Press the
ESC key to return to the function entry mode.

Restoring data

Press the Down Arrow key to save the parameter values in the active
memory area (RAM) to the last saved memory area (NVRAM). A message
will appear explaining that the save is complete. Press the ESC key to return
to the function entry mode.

Restore is done,
press ESC key.

Save completed,
press ESC key.

❏ Press the ENT key. A message will appear that will state the actions that

may be performed.

UP:Rest DN:Save