Yaskawa VCD 723 User Manual

Page 116

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Speed Reference – The speed reference signal after all PAC task modification
such as linear accel/decel control, draw modification, trim modification, etc.
That is, the instantaneous value of the reference which is applied to the speed
regulator. (Also see SPEED COMMAND definition.)

Standard fault – A fault (or error) which is independent of a particular PAC
design. These conditions are associated with the operation of the DCU
microprocessor or the PCU or the LAN handler. (See FAULT or ERROR

Subchannel – The PAC language defines a particular input or output by use of a
Node, a Channel, and a Subchannel. The Subchannel refers to a specific input or
output of a given Node and Channel.

The third level of addressing which further defines the location of information
external to the PAC program environment; the first level is the Node number (see
NODE definition) and the second level is the Channel number (see CHANNEL
definition). To access information requires specifying all levels of addressing
defined for that piece of information. For example, Node 251, Channel 4,
Subchannel 0 refers to the Local Digital I/O PCB connected to connector J1
(assigned Node 251), Thumbwheel switch inputs (assigned as Channel 4 of the
Digital I/O PCB), and specifically the set of thumbwheel switches designated as
Bank 0 (i.e. Subchannel 0).

Token – A term used with the LAN to describe a special LAN message. This
message is passed from one LAN Node to another. When a LAN Node receives
this message (i.e. the token), it is allowed to transmit a message it has generated
while waiting to receive permission to transmit. Once it has completed its
transmission, it must pass the token to the next node (in numerical sequence).
Nodes which do not have the token may receive messages but may not transmit a
message until the token is received. If the node receiving the token does not
have any messages to transmit, it simply passes the token to the next node.

TWI/O – Remote Thumbwheel I/O [Input/Output] PCB.

Unlocked RDU – An RDU whose display may be modified by a keyboard or
push button connected to another RDU. This is the default RDU lock state.