Yaskawa VCD 723 User Manual
Page 113

Local I/O – The class of Input and Output hardware located on the MicroTrac
DSD chassis. All connections between the Main CPU Control PCB and these
I/O boards are made via ribbon cables. All connections between the actual I/O
devices (i.e. push buttons, thumbwheel switches, lights etc.) are made with
individual wires between the I/O device and the drive.
Local RDU – When referring to a keyboard, the local RDU is the RDU that the
keyboard is connected to.
Locked RDU – An RDU whose display may not be modified by a keyboard or
push button connected to another RDU.
LOGI/O – Remote Logic I/O [Input/Output] PCB.
Menu – A list of items for an RDU, any one of which may be selected to be
displayed on that RDU.
Menu item – A source definition of where the information to be displayed on an
RDU, when selected, is to come from. The source definition includes the Drive
Node number, the Channel number, and the Subchannel number. The decimal
point location is also defined.
Node – Originally a term used to identify the base address of devices connected
to the LAN. For MicroTrac DSD this term has been expanded to refer to the
base address of anything outside the PAC program environment. Thus, the PCU
and Local I/O PCBs are each assigned a Node number, even though the DCU
does not communicate with those devices over the LAN. The system will
support Node numbers 1 thru 258.
Node numbers assigned to devices on the LAN are unique, and refer to only one
device on the LAN. Node numbers other than those on the LAN are predefined
and not changeable. (Also see LAN Node definition.)
NVRAM – Non-Volatile Random Access Memory. Memory that can be written
to as well as read from. In addition, this memory is protected from losing data
when the power is lost. Usually this is accomplished with a battery that is good
for at least 10 years.
PAC – Programmable Application Control. The graphically oriented task-based
language used to customize the DCU (i.e. customize the drive for a specific
PAC Diagram – A drawing, resembling a schematic diagram, which shows the
various PAC tasks and the unique interconnection of those PAC tasks.