1 csv file, Csv file – SMA BEAM-BT-10 User Manual

Page 71

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SMA Solar Technology AG

PV System Data

User Manual



8.2.1 CSV File

The CSV files can be opened in Microsoft Excel and used to create charts.

File name

The name of the file is always the date that the data was generated by the inverter. The sequence is
always year, month, and day. The separator is always a hyphen.
Daily file: YY-MM-DD.csv = Example: 09-07-15.csv
Monthly file: YYYY-MM,csv = Example: 2009-11.csv

Data format in the file

Individual data is separated by a semicolon in the file. The decimal separator and the timestamp
format in the files are determined by the country settings. For information on how to change the
decimal separator and the timestamp format, please refer to section 7.12.4 "Changing the Decimal
Separator" (page 66) and
7.13.4 "Changing the Timestamp Format" (page 68).

Umlauts in device names are not displayed correctly in the CSV files.