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15.3 Adapting the Device Password to the System


If the password of a device is different from the system password, the device will be displayed with
a padlock symbol in the system tree. This is the case, for example, when adding new inverters to an
existing system.

To adapt the device password to the system password, perform the following actions in the
specified order. The exact procedure is described in the following sections.

• Adapting the system password to the device password
• Resetting the system password

Adapting the System Password to the Device Password

In order to access the device marked with the padlock symbol, you must first adapt the system
password to the device password. For new devices, the device password corresponds to the
default system password. The default system password of the user group User is "0000"; the
default system password of the user group Installer is "1111".


1. Log into the Cluster Controller as Installer.
2. Select the Cluster Controller in the system tree and select the menu Settings in the device


3. Adapt the system password to the device password:

• Select the parameter group User rights > Access control.
• Select [Edit].
• In the field Set installer password, enter the default system password 1111.
• In the field Confirm password, confirm the default system password.
• In the field Set user password, enter the default system password 0000.
• In the field Confirm password, confirm the default system password.
• Select [Save].

☑ The Cluster Controller changes the device password for all approved devices in the


4. Restart the Cluster Controller via the user interface (see Section 18.3, page 112).

Resetting the System Password

1. Log into the Cluster Controller as Installer.
2. Select the Cluster Controller in the system tree and select the menu Settings in the device


3. Reset the system password to the previous system password:

• Select the parameter group User rights > Access control.
• Select [Edit].

15 Passwords and SMA Grid Guard

SMA Solar Technology AG / SMA America, LLC

User Manual
