4 setting the upload frequency, 5 testing the connection to sunny portal – SMA CLUSTER CONTROLLER User Manual
Page 62
5. Select [Save].
6. Adjust the strictness of communication monitoring in Sunny Portal if required (see the user
manual of the Cluster Controller in Sunny Portal).
11.4 Setting the Upload Frequency
Delay in data upload possible
To prevent excessive data volume for Sunny Portal at specific times, the Cluster Controller
delays the start of the data upload by up to ten minutes if required.
If a data upload is still in progress and the Cluster Controller is to start a new data upload
(e.g. at a configured time interval of 15 minutes), then the Cluster Controller will not perform
the new data upload and instead transmits the data at the next time interval.
☐ You must already be registered in Sunny Portal (see Section 11.1, page 60).
1. Select the Cluster Controller in the system tree and select the menu Settings in the device
2. Select the parameter group Sunny Portal > Basic settings.
3. Select [Edit].
4. In the drop-down list Upload frequency, select the desired time interval.
Time interval
Every 15 minutes
Data upload takes place every 15 minutes.
Data upload takes place every 60 minutes.
Data upload takes place daily at around 1:30 a.m.
5. Select [Save].
11.5 Testing the Connection to Sunny Portal
1. Select the Cluster Controller in the system tree and select the menu Settings in the device
2. Select the parameter group Sunny Portal > Status and Actions.
3. In the field Portal connection test, select [Execute].
☑ The Cluster Controller performs the connection test. OK is displayed in the field Result of the
last connection test.
✖ The connection test has failed?
• Rectify the error (see Section 18.2, page 100).
11 Sunny Portal
SMA Solar Technology AG / SMA America, LLC
User Manual