4 settings for reactive power setpoint – SMA CLUSTER CONTROLLER User Manual
Page 72

7. In the field Active power enter the desired value for the fixed active power limitation.
8. Make the settings for the fallback (see Section 13.5, page 74).
13.4 Settings for Reactive Power Setpoint
13.4.1 Controlling Reactive Power via the Setpoint "Reactive
Power in %"
If you have selected Reactive power in % as reactive power setpoint, the reactive power is used
as a percentage value based on the maximum possible active power.
Input signals up to 21 mA possible
For an analog signal source, the Cluster Controller classifies input signals as valid up to a
maximum of 21 mA. This enables intentional overload to ensure that the maximum setpoint is
☐ The configuration for the reactive power setpoint must be agreed upon with the responsible
grid operator.
☐ The required parameter for the reactive power setpoint must be configured in the inverter (see
1. Log into the Cluster Controller as Installer.
2. In the system tree, select the Cluster Controller and select the menu Grid management
services in the device menu.
3. Make the general settings:
• Select the parameter group General settings > System control.
• Select [Edit].
• In the drop-down list Operating mode, select the entry Open-loop control.
• If you are using digital or analog inputs, enter the desired time interval in the field Time
interval for the output value.
4. Select the parameter group Reactive power and select [Edit].
5. Make the basic settings in the group Basic settings:
• In the field Signal source in the drop-down list, select the desired signal source. Note
that the desired Modbus server must be activated in the Cluster Controller when you are
using the Modbus (see Section 12.1, page 64).
• In the drop-down list Predefined Quantity, select the setpoint Reactive power in %.
6. When using the digital inputs, make the settings for the digital inputs:
• Select the group Settings of digital inputs.
• In the field Failure tolerance time, enter a value above 1 second if possible. This
prevents e.g. a brief, simultaneous activation of two relays of a ripple control receiver
during a Cluster Controller status change being classified as an invalid status.
7. When using the analog inputs, make the settings for the analog inputs:
13 Grid Management Services
SMA Solar Technology AG / SMA America, LLC
User Manual