2 gpi tab – Grass Valley AMX-3981 2014 User Manual
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AMX-3981 | 21
detected at the input.
[10-20 for 525; 7-22 for 625]
SD Duplicate: Select the line in which to embed a duplicate LTC in the SD-SDI output signal. Available only when SD
is detected at the input.
Insertion: In the case of 3H/HD signals, select OFF to disable insertion and pass incoming signals through
unchanged, or BOTH to embed both ATC-VITC and ATC-LTC from the LTC input on the rear panel into the output.
5.3.2 GPI tab
The AMX-3981 can both de-embed and embed GPI data
from/to timecode. As well, GPI inputs can be used to load
user presets on the AMX-3981 card, or reset loudness
GPI status: the icons show the status of the three GPI
inputs on the rear panel.
Timecode Presence: Shows the time codes that are
available for embedding / de-embedding the GPI data.
Embed and De-embed are shown separately for SD
timecode, since they can be on different line numbers.
Load Presets: Use the pulldown lists to select what will
occur when each of the three rear-panel GPI inputs is
activated and released. Options are:
• Do nothing
• Load one of the five User Presets
• Reset the loudness measurement (see RESET on
page 49)
GPI Embedding / De-embedding: set up the embedding or
de-embedding of GPI data in the output and input data
streams. For each of the three GPIs:
Mode: use the pulldown list to select the operating mode for this GPI:
• OFF – the GPI is passed through untouched
• De-embed – a pre-defined user binary group bit from timecode within the incoming signal is de-embedded and
appears on the rear-panel GPI port
When De-embed is selected, use the Bit pulldown list to select which of the user binary group bits (1-16) will
be extracted to this GPI.
• Embed – the data placed on the rear-panel GPI port is embedded to a pre-defined user binary group bit within
timecode in the outgoing data stream.
When Embed is selected, use the Bit pulldown list to set which of the user binary group bits (1-16) will be
used to carry the GPI data.
GPI Embedding Config
SD Insertion Line (SD signals only): Select the line into which the GPI data will be embedded [10-20 for 525 and 7-22
for 625] provided DVITC time code is present.
Insertion (3G/HD signals only): select the ATC format [ATC-VITC, ATC-LTC or BOTH] into which the GPI data will be
embedded, provided the selected ATC format is present
Figure 5.9 Metadata Panel - GPI tab