Grass Valley ADVC-300 User Manual
Page 41

• White Peak Adjust
Corrects a whiteout image by correcting the gain of white (high
brightness) areas and thus restoring the contrast in them.
Allows you to set the level of white peak adjustment. The higher
the level, the lower the white peak will be.
[Base Level]
Allows you to specify up to which level of brightness you want to
correct the white peak. The more the cursor is moved to the left,
the lower (darker) the bright level will be.
[Auto Adjust]
Adjusts the level of white peak based on the average brightness
of the incoming video.
• White Step
Lowers the luminance signal level when the incoming video has a
higher level of the average brightness to enhance the reproducibil-
ity of graduation in brighter areas.
[Base Level]
Allows you to specify up to which level of brightness you want to
lower the luminance signal as correction. The more the cursor is
moved to the left, the lower (darker) the bright level will be.
Adjusts the level of white graduation correction based on the
average brightness of the incoming video.
This feature is effective for im-
ages with white spreading over
the screen.