Operations in the vtam environment – Visara FEP-4600 User Manual
Page 59

FEP-4600 Users Guide and Maintenance Manual
Operations in the VTAM Environment
PU4 links through the FEP-4600 appears to the system as though there is an adjacent
VTAM. The connection to this is conducted through a Link Station. Each PU4
connection through the FEP-4600 requires a different subarea assignment and CDRM
name to represent the adjacent VTAM. (Multiple PU4 links appear as connections
through multiple subareas.
PU 4 System Operations
Activating an ESCON Channel Link:
Since the FEP-4600 uses a CTC connection for PU4 connections, to activate the ESCON
portion of the link, you must activate the VTAM Link Station that represents that
V net,act,id=visls2
In this case VISLS2 represents the name assigned to the Link Station assigned to this
particular link.
Displaying Status of an ESCON Channel Link:
You can display the status of the Link Station by entering either of the following
D net,id=visls2
D net,stations,id=visls2
Where VISLS2 is the VTAM name for the Link Station.
Inactivating an ESCON Channel Link:
To inactivate the Link Station you could enter the following command:
V net,inact,id=visls2
Where VISLS2 is the VTAM name for the Link Station
Establishing Explicit Routes:
You should not have to enter any commands to establish explicit routes through the FEP-
4600. Normally explicit routes should automatically get established through the FEP-
4600 whenever the FEP-4600 is powered up (or after a Reset or Reboot).