Visara FEP-4600 User Manual

Page 43

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FEP-4600 Users Guide and Maintenance Manual



Restore Points

Restore Points allow you to back up the FEP-4600 server code and configuration at a
point in time, allowing you to return to that same code and configuration at a later point
in time if needed. This may allow you to experiment with a new configuration or code
level, then return to a previous level if you encounter a problem.

A Restore Point differs from a Recovery CD in that a Recovery CD creates a copy of all
software on the platform (including the Linux OS) and creates a CD that you can store for
later recovery. The Restore Point creates a single tar file (a compressed, zipped file) that
may also be copied off if needed, that contains only the FEP-4600 Server files and
configuration files (no Linux OS). Restore Points are much easier to create and restore
and are much less time consuming than the creation of a Recovery CD.

Restore Points may be created at any time by initiating the process. Restore Points are
automatically created any time that you load a new version of software onto the platform.
There is no practical limit to the number of Restore Points that you can create, although
you may want to keep the number reasonably low so that you are familiar with the ones
that you have.

Creating a Restore Point

From the Maintenance Menu, select the [Restore Point] button.