Terminal operation – Verilink PRISM 3000 (34-00184) Product Manual User Manual
Page 29

Terminal Operation
PRISM 3000
Terminal Operation
This chapter describes the screens and menus associated
with the TxPORT PRISM 3000 terminal interface, which is
a firmware application program embedded inside the unit.
The ‘Operations’ chapter discussed the screens and menus
associated with the front panel interface. Although the
options are essentially the same for both interfaces, the ter-
minal interface is able to show more parameters on each
screen. The same is true for the EM8000 element manager.
System Description
The Terminal Interface requires an ANSI compatible VT100
terminal (ASCII), or a computer running an ANSI terminal
emulation program. The Terminal Interface utilizes ASCII
’ and ‘
’ functions, which are implemented
differently with the various terminal emulation programs.
The documentation supplied with the terminal emulation
program should be consulted for further reference.
In addition to the 54016 and T1.403 protocols, proprietary
messages can be sent over the facility data link (FDL) from
the near end PRISM unit to the far end PRISM unit. A local
RS232 terminal connected to the unit may access a far end
PRISM. Thus, the remote unit may be queried for status and
statistics, configured, or looped for testing as if the terminal
is connected to it directly.
Interface Connection
The terminal may be connected to either of two 6-pin serial
RS232 ports on the PRISM 3000. One of the modular ports
is a pair of daisy chain type rear panel connectors labeled
’ and ‘
’. The other port is labeled ‘
Refer to
Section 2.10 on page 2-4
for further information
Cables are available for most typical connections. Standard
cables and ordering numbers are listed in
Section 1.6 on
page 1-5
. Contact TxPORT for any assistance in cable
A serial bit rate of 1200, 2400, 9600, or 19200 b/s may be
selected using the front control panel (refer to ‘Supv Bit
Rate’ in
Section 3.8 on page 3-10
Both serial ports support the same custom protocols which
allow the terminal interface or the EM8000 to request and
receive performance/configuration data from the PRISM.
The unit automatically determines which protocol is needed.
Modem Compatibility
The PRISM 3000 terminal interface supports use of an ‘AT’
command set compatible modem on either, or both, of the
’ and ‘
’ serial ports. The modem should be
optioned to ignore DTR, enable auto answer, inhibit com-
mand echo, and return verbal result codes.
NOTE: If the user calls the PRISM unit and sends the
’ command before receiving the ‘
message, the modem will hang up.
Screen Components
Terminal interface screens have several components com-
mon to all screens and will be discussed individually in the
following paragraphs. These common elements are shown in
the ‘Password Screen’ (refer to
on this page).
Device Type and Revision: The device type (the PRISM
3000) and the revision control numbers are shown in the
upper left corner. The first number is the hardware revision
and the second number is the software revision. Information
is displayed for the near end unit (connected directly to the
terminal) on the top line, and for the far end unit (connected
3000 DSU x.xx/x.xx
3000 Date:
No Far End Response
Atlanta: (3) Time:
------------------------------- PASSWORD SCREEN
Enter Password:
Start Date: MM/DD/YY
Start Time: HH:MM:SS
----------------------------------- Messages
Screen 4 -1