Introduction -1 front panel descriptions -1, General status indicators -1, Peration – Verilink 2000 (34-00182) Product Manual User Manual

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This chapter contains the general operation instructions for the TxPORT 2000 front
panel. The unit is operated either manually or through software control. Manual
operation consists of using the front panel and the circuit board configuration
switches as described in the Installation chapter.

The Terminal Operation chapter covers the firmware controlled Terminal Interface
program, which gives the user the maximum amount of control. The unit may also
be controlled using the TxPORT 8100A Site Controller or the EM8000 Element
Manager (refer to the 8100A or EM8000 reference manual).


The 2000 CSU uses LED indicators to convey major alarm conditions and looping
status. The front panel contains 20 LED indicators, two test switches, a set of
bantam test jacks, and a supervisory port connector. The following paragraphs
describe these controls and indicators and are referenced to Figure 3-1.





STATUS: The CSU has two LED indicators on the front panel bezel that are
exposed whether the access door is open or closed. These general status LEDs
provide a quick check of the CSU’s operating condition (Go or No Go).

If neither LED is on, the unit is not powered. If the green LED is on, the unit is
powered and functioning normally. If the red LED is on, there is a line fault that
exceeds alarm thresholds or another type of unit failure. The problem can be
isolated by further examination of the other front panel LEDs as described in the
following paragraphs. NMS alarms are displayed by the two LEDs alternately
turning red and green about every half second which occurs when the unit is
managed by an 8100A that detects a duplicate address or invalid address (0 to 63
are valid). The 8100A detects these error conditions and notifies the unit to enter
an NMS-alarm condition. Once the error condition has cleared, (either the
duplicate address is removed or an invalid address is corrected) the 8100A notifies
the unit to clear the NMS-alarm condition.


Activity Indicators: These two small, recessed LEDs indicate supervisory and
network manager port activity.