Daktronics All Sport 5000 User Manual

Page 26

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Added to judo to show the score, penalty, and medical status on the second line of
the LCD

Added pitch count keys to pitch and speed code

Version 1.4.4

Release Date: 26 July 2001

Added alternative driver tables for reverse of white-blue to judo, karate, tae kwon
do, at driver address 109,110,111

Change radio channel limit to 75 channels

Added address 15,16 to football code 6611

Added the select frame # response to DSTI (to indicate sport) for hockey, soccer,
baseball, and wrestling

Version 1.5.0

Release Date: 26 October 2001

Made hockey penalty times to shift up to the top position on the scoreboard

Changed to allow adjustment of penalty times after setting the main clock

Added SO-1624 address 13,14 to hockey code 4601

Add team name address 221 to code 8604 for track

Moved the at bat for baseball on FB-1630/SO-1830 from 5,6 to 3,4

Changed segment timer so it can count up

Changed the displays for American Airlines to show full timeouts on the main
scoreboard and full-partial timeouts on the auxiliary displays

Changed the main hockey console so it would keep the SOG keys active after data is
received from the SOG console

Added a second H-segment for colons on penalty time to the sec 1 digit, in hockey
for FP-25 displays

Changed the DSTI interface so it would not send back data it received but only
update the scoreboards

Added boxing code 291 for BB-3000 scoreboards

Added the driver data for a BA-2010 to the BA-5 driver at address 61

Added the driver data for FB-2005 to FB-8 driver at address 11