The q-series chassis, Technical specifications, Supported frame rate formats – Thinklogical Q-Series SDI 3G Dual Link Exchange Module Manual User Manual

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S D I 3 G / D u a l L i n k E x c h a n g e M o d u l e P r o d u c t M a n u a l , R e v . B

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2. The Q-Series Chassis

Each Q-Series Chassis provides a framework for mounting, powering, upgrading and interfacing with a
variety of Thinklogical modules that perform the functions of a KVM, data and video distribution system.
Our most diverse chassis, the Q-4300, supports up to 4 modules and features redundant power
supplies. Along with the two-module Q-2300, each chassis features an LCD/button interface and
provides convenient upgrade ports for the chassis and modules. Fans mounted inside the chassis
provide cooling and all modules and power supplies are hot swappable. The Q-4300 and Q-2300
Chassis may be rack or desktop mounted. The stand-alone Q-1300 (one module) is a desktop model.
Installable modules also include our DVI, RGB/DVI and SDI lines of extenders.

3. Technical Specifications

3.1. Supported Frame Rate Formats

The SDI 3G/Dual Link Exchange supports

Progressive, Interlaced and PsF formats.






All standard HD-SDI

compatible formats

Dual-Link HD-SDI


All 1080 line video formats

compatible with SMPTE 372M


SMPTE 424M, 425M, Level A & B

All SMPTE 425M level A & B

compatible formats