Preface, Introduction, Conventions used in this manual – Thinklogical Q-Series SDI 3G Dual Link Exchange Module Manual User Manual

Page 4: Product overview

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S D I 3 G / D u a l L i n k E x c h a n g e M o d u l e P r o d u c t M a n u a l , R e v . B

Page 4


Conventions Used in this Manual

Throughout this manual you will notice certain conventions that bring your attention to important
information. These are Notes and Warnings. Examples are shown below.

Note: Important Notes appear in blue text preceded by a yellow exclamation point symbol,

as shown here.

A note is meant to call the reader’s attention to helpful information at a point in the text that is relevant to
the subject being discussed.


All Warnings appear in red text, followed by blue text, and preceded by a red

stop sign, as shown here.

A warning is meant to call the reader’s attention to critical information at a point in the text that is relevant
to the subject being discussed.

1. Introduction

1.1. Product Overview

Conveniently convert a dual link SDI signal to a 3G SDI signal over a single-link, or
convert one 3G SDI signal to a dual-link signal in a single unit.

The Thinklogical SDI 3G/Dual Link Exchange is a compact broadcast quality, SDI converter. The system
allows the user to seamlessly convert a 3G SDI signal to a pair of Dual Link SDI signals, or vice versa,
with or without embedded audio and data. All other outputs, HD-SDI and SD-SDI are bypassed to the
outputs without conversion. Not only does the SDI 3G/Dual Link Exchange convert video signals in real-
time, it also provides the highest quality images for professional audio-visual and broadcast end users.