2 return merchandize authorization – Thinklogical Direct Fiber Input Card for Christie Entero Video Wall User Manual

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C h r i s t i e D i r e c t F i b e r I n p u t C a r d M a n u a l , J a n u a r y ,

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3.2.2 Return Merchandize Authorization

If you have any issue with any Thinklogical product, have product questions or need technical
assistance with your Thinklogical system, please contact Customer Support at:

1-800-291-3211 (USA only) or 1-203-647-8700 and let us help.

Customer Support will ask you to describe the problem and will issue you a Return Merchandise
Authorization number (RMA#). Pack the device in its original box, if possible, and return it with the RMA#
displayed clearly on the box.

Note: Do not return a product to Thinklogical without an approved Return Material
Authorization Number.

Return address for products with Return Material Authorization:

Thinklogical, LLC
Attn: RMA#
100 Washington Street
Milford, CT 06460 USA

PH: 1-800-291-3211 (USA only)