Rubidium oscillator, Basic operation, Rubidium oscillator basic operation (1) – Teac G-01 User Manual

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Rubidium oscillator

Basic operation (1)

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Turn the power on.

The power indicator will light.


When the power is turned on, the unit starts preheating the
rubidium unit to its operating temperature. While preheating,
the LOCK indicator blinks and “Rb LOCKING” appears on the


Press the MASTER/MENU button for 2 or more seconds

to select the clock source.

The clock source changes each time you press the MASTER/
MENU button for 2 or more seconds.


The built-in rubidium unit is used for the reference clock.


Use this mode when a GPS 1 pps signal is input through the
EXT IN to operate with the built-in rubidium unit synchronized
to the GPS.


Use this mode when inputting the 10 MHz output from a GPS
receiver to the EXT IN. (Use when the GPS receiver does not
have a 1 pps output.) This unit will internally generate a 1 pps
signal and operate with the built-in rubidium unit synchro-
nized to the GPS.


The 10 MHz signal input through the EXT IN is used as the ref-
erence clock. The built-in rubidium unit is not used.


Synchronization of the rubidium unit with a 1 pps signal takes
about 10 minutes. While synchronizing, the LOCK indicator
blinks and “1ppsLCKING” appears on the display.

This unit uses a rubidium oscillator to generate its reference master
Since rubidium oscillators have extremely high precision and high
stability, they are used in GPS satellites and similar applications. In
this master clock generator, we have incorporated a rubidium unit
because it also features short-term stability and high waveform qual-
ity as well as the ability to be used for many years without calibration.
These and other characteristics make it perfect for meeting the
demands of a master clock generator in a high-end audio system.

When shipped new, this unit is set to Rubidium mode, and will use
the built-in rubidium unit to generate the reference clock.
With a frequency precision of ±0.05 ppb (when shipped new) and a
frequency stability of ±0.1 ppb at temperatures ranging from −20°C to
+65°C, this rubidium unit is able to provide an extremely stable audio

This master clock generator can also be connected to a GPS receiver
for GPS-linked operation.
By inputting a GPS 1 pps signal through the EXT IN connector and
enabling Rb+EXT1pps mode, the built-in rubidium unit can be made
to follow the GPS.

In most cases with GPS receiver output, the degree of short-term
stability depends on the GPS receiver. However, since the degree of
long-term stability depends on the GPS satellite, this mode allows
this master clock generator to synchronize with the accuracy pro-
vided by the long-term stability of the GPS satellite (about 0.001 ppb)
while utilizing the high quality of the rubidium unit.
In order for the rubidium unit to synchronize with a 1 pps input signal,
the signal must have accuracy and stability that are equivalent to GPS.

If you are using a GPS receiver that does not have 1 pps output,
this master clock generator can itself generate a 1 pps signal from
the GPS receiver’s 10 MHz output signal. To do this, use this unit’s
Rb+EXT10M mode to make the rubidium unit operate synchronized
with the GPS.

Continued on the next page