6 – using the settings panel – Teac US-16X08 Reference Manual User Manual

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6 – Using the Settings Panel

When a pan slider is set to the right end (R20), the signal for

that channel is sent only to the right channel of the stereo

bus. It is not sent to the left channel of the stereo bus.


Faders and level meters

Use the faders for each channel to adjust the levels of the

channel signal sent to the stereo bus. Use the master fader

to adjust the master output level.
The channel level meters show their signal levels. The master

level meters show the levels of the mixed signal.
The fader level display area (bottom of


) shows the fader

gain value.
The channel and master level meters show green bars for

values less than −12 dB, yellow bars for −12 dB to −6 dB, and

red bars for values greater than −6 dB.
Each level meter has an overload indicator at its top.

Range: +6 dB to −∞ (default: 0 dB)


Using the mouse, drag a fader to adjust its level. Move the

fader up to increase the level or down to decrease it.

Double-click a fader to return it to its default (0 dB) position.

The channel meters show the levels before being adjusted

by the faders. Level meters are not affected by fader adjust-

ments or even their channels being muted.


LINK buttons

Turn a LINK button on to combine two adjacent channels

(odd and even) into a single stereo channel.
When stereo link mode is enabled, the buttons, knobs and

faders of the two channels are combined. The channel level

meters are also shown as a stereo pair.
When linked, the LINK button lights. (Default: off)

When a LINK button is enabled (combining two adjacent

channels as a stereo channel), the settings become as


Analog X: If either the odd or even channel is turned on,

this turns on. If both the odd and even channels are off,

this turns off. In addition, the button name changes to

“Analog X-Y” (“X” is the odd channel number and “Y” is the

even channel number).
PHASE: The settings are not combined. The settings of the

channels do not change.
EQ: The setting of the odd-numbered channel is applied.
COMP: The setting of the odd-numbered channel is

SOLO: The setting of the odd-numbered channel is

MUTE: The setting of the odd-numbered channel is

Pan sliders: The settings are not combined. The setting of

each channel can be set independently.
Level faders: The setting of the odd-numbered channel is


Turn a LINK button off to split a single stereo channel into

two mono channels. The settings for each of the mono

channels become as follows.

Analog X-Y: If on when the LINK button is turned off, the

odd channel stays on, but the even channel turns off. If

off when the LINK button is turned off, both channels

stay off.
PHASE: The settings are not changed. The setting of each

channel stays as it was.
EQ: The settings of both channels stay the same as the

combined stereo channel.
COMP: The settings of both channels stay the same as the

combined stereo channel.
SOLO: If on when the LINK button is turned off, this stays

on for both channels. If off when the LINK button is

turned off, both channels stay off.
MUTE: If on when the LINK button is turned off, this stays

on for both channels. If off when the LINK button is

turned off, both channels stay off.
Pan sliders: These stay the same when the LINK button is

turned off.
Level faders: The settings of both channels stay the same

as the combined stereo channel.


Track notes

You can input up to six English letters and numbers.

How to input characters
Click a note area to ready it for input. The cursor will blink.
Then, use the computer keyboard to input characters.
After you complete inputting characters, press the Enter key

on the computer keyboard.


You must press the Enter key on the computer keyboard

after you complete inputting characters to confirm the

input. If you move to a different page from the MIXER page

without pressing the Enter key, the input characters will be

shown, but not saved.