Messages – Teac DR-10X User Manual

Page 19

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The following is a list of the pop-up messages.


Meaning and response

Battery Empty

The battery is almost out of power. Replace the battery.

Card Error

The microSD card could not be recognized properly. Change the microSD card.

Card Full

The microSD card has no remaining capacity. Erase unnecessary files or move them to a computer to make open space.

File Full

The total number of recording files exceeds the limit of 1000. Erase unnecessary files or move them to a computer to make open space.

Format Error

The microSD card is not formatted properly or the formatting is broken. Use the DR-10X to format the microSD card.

Invalid Card

The card might be abnormal. Change the microSD card.

No Music File

There is no file that can be played back on the microSD card.


The audio file is not a supported format or is broken.

Write Timeout

Writing to the microSD card timed out.
Change to a card with faster writing, or backup files on the card to a computer and format the card.

Player Error

If any of these errors occurs, turn the unit off once and restart it.
If the unit cannot be turned off, remove the battery or disconnect the USB cable if it is being operated on USB bus power.
If these error messages continue to appear frequently, please contact a TEAC Service Center (listed on page 2 of this manual).

Write Failed