Software version 1.26 – Teac MMR-8 v1.25 User Manual

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Tascam MMR/MMP Owner’s Manual • Version 1.26 & 1.27 Update Information


Software Version 1.26

The MMR/MMP Software version 1.26 provides several system enhancements. These are detailed

OMF Export Enhancements

The OMF Export function in the Backup menu can be used to write (export) WaveFrame format
projects to a Macintosh disk as Sound Designer II files with an OMF Composition EDL. The
WaveFrame allows certain edits that are difficult to represent in the OMF Composition structure.
Version 1.26 improves on the handling of these events when they are exported to an OMF file.


Overlapping crossfades on the WaveFrame editor can lead to a type of crossfade event commonly
referred to as a “bowtie”. This type of event has a fade up and a fade down occurring
simultaneously. Version 1.26 converts these events properly when making an OMF export so that
the event has a “legal” fade up and fade down shape that can be properly imported by other

Overlapping Events

The WaveFrame editor can, under some circumstances, allow parts of three events to exist
simultaneously on the same track. This is not an allowable situation in the OMF editing model and
can not be properly represented in an export. Version 1.26 will modify these occurrences when
exporting them as an OMF file so that no more than two events are ever overlapped.

Tape Mode Export to OMF

The WaveFrame format allows “holes” to exist in a sound file, a capability that preserves disk
space when working in the MMR/MMP Tape Mode. The Macintosh file system does not allow
this, so Tape Mode projects exported to the Mac take more space because the “holes” in the file are
written as digital silence and take up disk space. Version 1.26 has changed this so that when
projects that were created in Tape Mode in the WaveFrame format are exported as OMF
Compositions and Sound Designer media files, each event in the track will be exported as a
separate sound file rather than allocating continuous space for the entire track. This saves drive
space when going to the Macintosh file system.

Note that this affects only the export of Tape Mode projects to OMF. Using the Tape Mode
Convert capability (in the Backup menu) will cause the new files to be “flattened out” so that the
track is written as one continuous piece of audio media. Because of this change, the OMF export
composition will be seen by the MMR/MMP as a Non-destructive Record mode project, not a
Tape Mode project.

Dynamic Backup Status Display

In previous versions, it was necessary to clear the display and press SHIFT + SLIP (Backup) to
interrogate the current status of the backup process. The current status (percent complete) for the
Backup, Tape Mode Convert, and OMF Export functions in the Backup Menu is now dynamically
updated and will display progress all the way to completion as it goes.

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