Soloing channels, Downmix on/off, Bass management – Teac IF-SM/DM User Manual

Page 6: Alternative speakers, Oscillator routing, To 2.1, Use st-fader, Spl reference and level, 2 – using the card : operation option

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2 – Using the card : OPERATION option


TASCAM IF-SM/DM Owner’s Manual

Soloing channels

This works with the same


ed number

keys as for muting (see Figure 2.3, SHIFTed
number keys used for channel control
) as well
as the cursor and


key options.

There are two solo options—one for an exclu-
sive solo mode, where only one channel at a

time is active, and one for a mixed solo mode,
where selected channels are active.

The on-screen solo marks are shown by an


button, in the same way as the mute buttons are
shown by an


(they invert when active, etc.).

Downmix on/off

Use the on-screen


button to turn

downmixing on and off (as set up in the



option) — ignored when the alternative

speaker switch, 2.1 switch or oscillator switch
are on.

Bass management

Use the on-screen


button to turn

bass management on and off (as set up in the


option) — ignored when

the alternative speaker switch, 2.1 switch or
oscillator switch are on.

Alternative speakers

This routes the signal when downmixed to
stereo, to the speakers connected to the LC
and RC channels, which are not used in the
surround patterns.

This allows the use of a pair of “large” stereo
speakers together with smaller surround mon-
itors, without the need for repatching.

Naturally, downmix is not possible with this
switch on.

Oscillator routing

Allows the routing of the mixer’s internal
oscillator to the surround card outputs.

When the oscillator is routed in this way, solo-
ing is automatically changed to exclusive

soloing (it reverts to the previous setting when
the oscillator is not routed in this way).

Note that downmix and bass management are
not available when the oscillator is routed in
this way.

To 2.1

When on and the current surround mode is 5.1
or 6.1, this setting automatically overrides the
current downmix setting (of course, downmix
is not possible when this switch is on).

When this setting is deactivated, the original
downmix and mode are restored, as is the
mute status of the LFE channel.


If you check “USE ST-FADER”, you can adjust
the Monitor level settings by the Stereo fader.

SPL reference and level

Note that the


setting and moni-

tor level settings are made on this page. These

are explained further in “MONITOR ALIGN-
MENT option” on page 14.