Monitor alignment option, Trimming the levels, 2 – using the card : monitor alignment option – Teac IF-SM/DM User Manual

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2 – Using the card : MONITOR ALIGNMENT option


TASCAM IF-SM/DM Owner’s Manual


This allows the setup of the surround speakers
and levels.

Figure 2.21: MONITOR ALIGNMENT option screen

Trimming the levels

When monitoring in surround mode, it is
important that the perceived level of each
channel (as perceived from the monitoring
position) is equal, in order to achieve a satis-
factory mix.


Before proceeding further with these operations,
it is important that you ensure that the input
mode of the card reflects the setup you are using
and the output channels so that the channels cor-
respond to the actual channels that you have set
up in your system (if the channel meant to be
driving the LFE is actually driving one of the sur-
round channels, you will have severe problems!).

Use the “ROUTING option” on page 7 for

Use the mixer’s oscillator set up to supply
pink noise to allow you to set up and calibrate
your monitoring system for optimal results.

You will also need an SPL (sound pressure
level) meter. Absolute accuracy in this case is
not of prime importance—relative levels are
what are being set up here.

There are two standard weightings that are
commonly used, and may be selected from
most SPL meters: the “C” weighting, provid-
ing an almost uniform response from 32Hz to
10kHz, and the “A” weighting, which is con-
centrated on the 500Hz to 10kHz range. For
full-range music productions, use the “C”


When you make the measurements described
here, either stand the SPL meter on a tripod
(ideal), or hold it to one side of your body, to
avoid reflections, etc. caused by your body which
can affect the final results.