TE Technology TC-48-20 User Manual
Page 33

The ALARM indicator will be grey if no alarm condition exists. It will flash between yellow and red if an alarm
condition exists. The menu provides for adjusting alarm settings.
The ALARM STATUS text box will indicate the nature of the alarm if an alarm conditions exists.
NO LATCHES: if an alarm condition clears itself, the alarm will automatically reset.
ALARM 1 LATCH: if an alarm is triggered from the control sensor, the software will continue to signal an alarm
condition until the condition is cleared and the ALARM LACTH CLEAR button is clicked.
ALARM 2 LATCH: if an alarm is triggered from the secondary sensor, the software will continue to signal an alarm
condition until the condition is cleared and the ALARM LACTH CLEAR button is clicked.
ALARM 1&2 LATCH: if an alarm is triggered from either the control or the secondary sensor, the software will
continue to signal an alarm condition until the condition is cleared and the ALARM LACTH CLEAR button is clicked.
ALARM 1 HIGH SETTING: this sets the temperature at which an alarm will occur if the control sensor temperature
exceeds the set value. The set value must be greater than the value set in the ALARM 1 LOW SETTING but less than
200. If the set value is set to greater than 199, no alarm will be signaled for any over‐temperature condition.
ALARM 1 LOW SETTING: this sets the temperature at which an alarm will occur if the control sensor temperature
becomes less than the set value. The set value must be less than the ALARM 1 HIGH SETTING but greater than ‐21.
If the set value is less than ‐20, no alarm will be signaled for any under‐temperature condition.
ALARM 1 DEADBAND: this defines a temperature difference above or below the ALARM 1 LOW SETTING or ALARM
1 HIGH SETTING at which the alarm status can be cleared (either automatically or manually depending on latch
settings). For example, if ALARM 1 HIGH SETTING is set for 70 and the ALARM 1 DEADBAND is set for 10, and an
alarm condition occurs, the control sensor would have to cool to 60 °C before the alarm can be reset.