Super Systems Paperless VR User Manual
Page 42

Super Systems Inc.
Page 41 Video Recorder Manual Version 2 Rev. B
For a zero calibration, a value of 0 mV will need to be sourced to the input or inputs, and the “Enter
Source:” field should be set to 0.00. A recommended value will be displayed next to the “Recommended
Value:” field.
For a span calibration, a value of 90 % of the full range will need to be sourced to the input or inputs, and
the “Enter Source:” field should be set to 90% of the full mV range. A recommended value will be
displayed next to the “Recommended Value:” field.
Note: If the user is using a 10:1 jumper (see the
Adding a Jumper to an Input
section in the
Analog Inputs
section), the user will need to multiply the source signal
by 10 to get the correct span value
. For example, if the
10:1 jumper is set on a 1.25V range, the suggested
source signal will read 1000 mV. The supplied signal
will need to be 10000 mV to account for the 10:1 jumper.
Press the Calibrate button to begin the calibration.
Press the Cancel button to cancel the calibration and
return to the previous screen.
The Cold Junction tab will allow the user to set the cold
junction offset for a specific input on a specific board.
The board being calibrated will be listed in the “Board #x, Input:” line, where x is the board selected from
the Calibration tab. The drop-down list will allow the user to select the input to set a cold junction offset
for. The “Current Input Value” line will display the selected input’s current value. The “Apply Offset:” box
will allow the user to select the cold junction offset to set.
Press the Apply Cold Junction Offset button to apply the selected offset.