Sloan Top Spud Floor Mount Toilets User Manual
Het* water closet installation instructions, Efficiency series

• Tighten the nuts carefully.
imporTanT! do not overtighten the nuts,
breakage and chipping of vitreous china can occur.
• cut 1/4” or more over the top of the nut.
• attach the bolt caps.
imporTanT! product damage can occur if using a
saw blade to cut off the excess T-bolt length. make
sure vitreous china is protected and covered.
3. compLETing THE inSTaLLaTion
• flush valve should be installed to manufacturer’s
installation instructions.
• Turn on water supply valve.
• install water closet seat (not included).
• flush water closet a few times and check all
connections for water seepage.
• check for leaks.
• place and press in new wax seal around the water
closet bottom outlet.
• install new 5/16” T-bolts.
2. inSTaLLing nEW WaTEr cLoSET
• check rough-in dimensions and install or relocate
flush valve and outlet as indicated.
• record model number for reference.
• Take out the temporary rag (if used) from the water
closet flange hole.
• carefully align and lower the water closet over the
flange and T-bolts.
imporTanT! do not lift or rock the water closet after
replacement. The watertight seal will have to be
replaced if breakage occurs.
• To seal, apply your full body weight around the
water closet.
• place the plastic cap in the position indicated on
cap as marked.
• The metal washers and nuts can now be placed on
the bolt cap base and T-bolts.
THE rigHT cHoicE
We thank you for your purchase.
our products are 100% tested but should you have
any questions, please contact us by phone or at our
web site.
HET* Water Closet Installation Instructions
1. rEmoVaL of ExiSTing WaTEr cLoSET
• Turn off the water supply.
• disconnect the flush valve.
• remove the existing water closet.
• using putty knife, completely
remove old wax seal from floor
and bottom of water closet.
• Lay water closet down on
padded surface to help protect
the vitreous china.
Warning: Hazardous gases
can escape through the closet flange if new water
closet is not installed quickly. a temporary fix: place a
large rag in the closet flange.
Warning: any vitreous china can chip or break if
the bolts or nuts are over-tightened or if mishandled.
BEforE you STarT…
• check all local plumbing and building codes.
• check for any damage to the new water closet
before installation.
WHaT you WiLL nEEd…
• putty knife
• Sponge
• Safety glasses
• 10” adjustable wrench
• measuring tape
• Large level
• Spud wrench
• Wax seal
noTE: plumbing System requirements
√ minimum flowing pressure: 25 pSi
√ minimum flow rate: 18 gpm
de cera
Cubra con tela
wax ring
Cover with rag
carE and cLEaning of ViTrEouS cHina
clean water closet with a cleaner safe for vitreous
china such as Sloan’s Waterfree urinal
cleaner/deodorizer. Spray and wipe clean using soft
cloth. Soft abrasive cleaners may be used to remove
LimiTEd WarranTy
Sloan Valve company warrants its products to be
made of first class materials, free from defects of
material or workmanship under normal use and to
perform the service for which they are intended in a
thoroughly reliable and efficient manner when properly
installed and serviced, for a period of three years (one
year for special finishes) from date of purchase.
during this period, Sloan Valve company will, at its
option, repair or replace any part or parts which prove
to be thus defective if returned to Sloan Valve
company, at customer’s cost, and this shall be the
sole remedy available under this warranty. no claims
will be allowed for labor, transportation or other
incidental costs. This warranty extends only to persons
or organizations who purchase Sloan Valve company’s
products directly from Sloan Valve company for
purpose of resale.
THErE arE no WarranTiES WHicH ExTEnd
BEyond THE dEScripTion on THE facE HErEof. in
no EVEnT iS SLoan VaLVE company rESponSiBLE
for any conSEQuEnTiaL damagES of any
noTE: in no EVEnT SHaLL THE SLoan VaLVE
company BE LiaBLE for incidEnTaL damagES,
rESuLTing from impropEr inSTaLLaTion, or
for damagES cauSEd By nEgLEcT, aBuSE
or aLTEraTion.
The information contained in this document is subject to change
without notice.
SLoan VaLVE company
10500 Seymour avenue
franklin park, iL 60131
phone: 1-800-9-VaLVE-9 (982-5839)
or 1-847-671-4300
fax: 1-800-447-8329 or 1-847-671-4380
copyright © 2009 Sloan Valve company
printed in the u.S.a.
HET i.i. code no. 0816212
rev. 0b (12/09)
10" or 12”
(254 mm
or 305 mm)
5 ¼”
(133 mm)
(381 mm)
ADA 17”
(432 mm)
26 ¾”
(679 mm)
(403 mm)
29 ½ or 31 ½”
(749 mm)
1 ½”
(38 mm)
3 ¼” or 5 ¼”
(82 mm or 133 mm)
(508 mm)
(340 mm)
(279 mm)
(403 mm)
5 ½”
(140 mm)
To maximizE THE pErformancE of your SLoan WaTEr cLoSET, uSE onLy SLoan fLuSHomETErS
Efficiency Series
* HET does not apply to 1.6 gpf/6.0 Lpf flush volume.