Skutch Electronics BA-1000 User Manual
Notice of liability for illegal use of dialers, Electronics, inc

Notice of Liability for Illegal Use of Dialers
The Skutch BA-1000, CBC7000, CBC8000 and CBC9000 dialers, can be used for both
legal and illegal uses. It is your responsibility to make sure that you are using your dialer
in a legal manor. Laws at the Federal, State, and Local levels all control the illegal use of
these systems. There are two main laws at the Federal Level that impose substantial fines
for the illegal use of these systems. The "Telephone Consumer Protection Act of
also know as the “1991 TCPA” defines illegal uses and provides the victim(s) the
right to sue the violator for a sum of $500.00 per violation. The "National Do Not Call
provisions of the "Telemarketing Sales Rules" which is managed by the
Federal Trade Commission, defines illegal uses and provides that fines may be imposed
for up to $11,000.00 per violation.
You need to read these laws before you use your system. Information is readily
available on the internet. See
for information on the National Do Not
Call Registry. Use your search engine to find information on the "Telephone Consumer
Protection Act of 1991".
It is your responsibility to use your system in a legal manor.
209 Kenroy Lane # 9
Roseville, California 95678
Voice (916) 786-6186 FAX (916) 783-1909