Test `n’ tag logo – Seaward Test n Tag Printer User Manual

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Test `N’ Tag Logo

The program allows you to select a logo to transfer to the tester.
Three example logos are supplied with the program. Any one of these
can be transferred to the tester or they could form the basis of your
own logo design using a suitable Windows application.


The Tester Logo Transfer program cannot be used to design a logo
but is only used to transfer a suitable logo into the tester.

The logo must be monochrome, and no more than 320 pixels wide by
240 pixels high. The program will check that the logo meets this
criteria before transfer to the tester. If the logo validation fails a
warning message is displayed and the logo cannot be transferred.

To select a logo from the Test ‘N’ Tag Logo drop down select User
defined. Select a bit map file of the logo with the aid of the Browse…
Button if necessary. Optionally set a Label Title as defined above.