Continuity/polarity test – Seaward G2000 User Manual
Page 34

Test Procedure B
Basic Double Insulated (Class II) Products
Visual Inspection
24. Before applying any of the electrical tests, first inspect the product to ensure that all parts, including wiring, are
mechanically sound and free form obvious defects or damage. Check also that cable restraints and switches,
if fitted, are secure and functioning correctly.
25. Remove all lamps from the product and set any switches to their ON position.
Continuity/Polarity Test
26. Position and secure the product to be tested so that the lampholder(s) can be readily accessed and connect
the power cord into the appropriate socket on the Test Output box (or into the optional Safebloc if fitted). If the
TEST INHIBIT lamp comes on straight away, the product may have a wiring short circuit – investigate and
correct before proceeding.
27. Fit the appropriate Lamp Simulator probe into the lampholder (the ES and SES probes need to be held
depressed in the holder) and check that the simulator light glows – The Test Inhibit lamp will also come on.
For luminaires fitted with switches, operate the switch 2 or 3 times and check that the simulator and Inhibit
lamps go on and off accordingly. Repeat the test at all other lampholders on the product as necessary.
Remove the simulator (and leave any switches in the ON position) before applying any other tests.
28. If the simulator fails to light, during the above test sequence, suspect product wiring. No further testing should
be applied to the product until the fault has been located and corrected.