Seaward DO5000 Interface User Manual
Page 16
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Returns the measuring current magnitude and mode currently in force. The
response is of the following form:
<magnitude>,<“current mode”>
containing the appropriate parameter values as above. The current measurement
is not affected.
Trigger & Measure Group
These commands trigger measurements, and a llow the results to be output to the bus.
This initiates single measurements. The Measurement Available bit (8) of the
Operation Condition Register is set on completion. The reading is stored
internally and is not sent to the output buffer. Use FETCh? to transfer the value
to the output buffer and clear the Measurement Available bit.
This command is not available when the CONTinuous triggering mode is on, nor
when DATAlogging mode is on, in which cases, an “execution error” will occur.
This is identical to the INITiate command
Returns the value of the last measurement made. This is normally used in
conjunction with the INITiate command. If CONTinuous triggering is “off”, then
INITiate followed by FETCh? will be needed for each measurement. If
CONTinuous triggering is “on”, then repeated FETCh? commands can be made to
return the most recent measurement.
One of three optional functions can be included with this command:
FRESistance -
Returns the uncompensated resistance and is the default for
the first FETCh?
TEMPerature -
Returns the temperature value of the external Pt100 probe,
providing that temperature compensation is “ON” and set to
“EXT” mode. Otherwise, an “execution error” is generated and
the error value is returned.
TCOMpensate - Returns the compensated resistance value at the reference
temperature, providing that temperature compensation is “ON”.
Otherwise, an “execution error” is generated and the error
value is returned.
If no function is subsequently entered, then the function used in the previous
FETCh? or READ? command is used.
Setting to OFF means that any subsequent READ?, or INIT followed by FETCh?,
will take one reading and send it to the output buffer.
If set to ON, the microhmmeter will perform continuous measurements, which will
be initiated immediately, and FETCh? will send the most recent value to the
output buffer. The measurements can be stopped by setting CONTinuous to OFF.
(For the DO5001 model operating on battery power, continuous mode is not
available, and INITiate:CONTinuous ON will cause an “execution error” to be