Seaward Apollo 600 User Manual
Page 22

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Asset ID
This can be set to present a blank field, repeat the last Asset ID or automatically
increment the Asset ID number for each successive test.
This field is used to set the starting point for the auto increment feature. The
value entered can be numeric or alpha-numeric ending with a numerical value.
On Test
In the event of a test failure during an automatic sequence, the Apollo 600 can
be configured to either End Test, which will terminate the test sequence or
present a Fail Menu, which will provide the following list of options:
restart the test
skip the test
restart the test sequence (from the first test)
abort the test sequence (without saving any results
end the test sequence (and record a fail result)
Note: Restart Test is useful for coping with situations such as forgetting to
connect the earth continuity probe.
End Test Sequence will record a Fail result whereas Abort Test
Sequence does not record a result.
After Test
There is a choice of 3 actions to be carried out at the end of a test sequence.
New Test will auto save at the end of a test sequence and then open the Asset
Details window ready for a new test.
Print Label will auto save at the end of a test sequence and then open the Print
Label window. When printing is complete, the tester will proceed to the next test
and open the Asset Details window.
Options Menu will auto save at the end of a test sequence and then open the
Test Details window. Pressing (F4) will proceed to the Test Result Options
window with a list of options including View Results, View Test Sequence,
Information, Print Test Results or Print Label. Pressing Escape (F5) will return to
the Asset Detail window ready to start the next appliance.
This field can set to “Last” where the last reading taken during the measurement
period is compared with the pass/fail limit or “Worst” where the highest reading
taken during the measurement period is compared wit the pass/fail limit.
Setting the field to “Worst” will cause the earth continuity test to fail if the reading
exceeds the limit value at any point during the measurement period, for example
if there is a momentary break in the protective conductor when the mains cable
is flexed.
This field is used to enable or disable automatic reversal of the earth continuity
test current polarity. OFF sets the earth continuity test current to +200mA and
ON sets the earth continuity test current to +200mA followed by -200mA.
Sub Lkg
This field is used to set the substitute leakage scale factor to 0%, 6% or 10%.
The Substitute Leakage reading is then calculated for 230V (0%), 244V (6%) or
253V (10%).