Research Concepts RC2000C User Manual

Page 77

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RC2000C Az/El Tracking Antenna Controller

Chapter 7

Troubleshooting/Alarm Codes


Research Concepts, Inc. • 5420 Martindale Road • Shawnee, Kansas • 66218-9680 • USA

changed after the satellite was programmed into non-volatile memory. Note that not all

versions of the software support polarization control.

When controllers which support polarization control are used on systems which do not have

polarization control present make sure that the Rotating Feed Present CONFIG mode item is

set to 0. When the Rotating Feed Present CONFIG mode item is set to zero the controller

assumes that a Polarotor is present in the system. A Polarotor is controlled in an open loop

fashion - there is no position feedback from the Polarotor so the controller cannot tell whether it

is actually connected to a Polarotor device or not. Even if a polarization control device is not

present a valid horizontal and vertical polarization position must be programmed into memory

for each satellite. If a polarization control device is not present for a given installation, when

SETUP Mode is used to program a satellite into memory make sure that polarization limits are

not displayed when the horizontal and vertical polarizations are specified. If necessary, use the

POL CCW and POL CW keys to ‘jog’ the Polarotor away from the limits.


The controller has a provision to only allow the accumulation of position counts when the

antenna has been commanded to move, or movement has just ceased (as defined by the Az/El

Fast Deadband and Az/El Slow Deadband CONFIG mode items). This has the effect of

disabling RUNAWAY errors. It is generally not recommended to disable the runaway error. If

necessary, it can be accomplished by setting the Az/El Fast Deadband CONFIG mode item to a

value that ends in '01', i.e. 2001, 2301, etc.



In the STEP TRACK sub-mode, the controller periodically peaks the antenna. Two events can

trigger a peaking operation. The antenna will peakup at the sidereal times corresponding to

entries in the track table and store the peak azimuth and elevation antenna positions. A

peaking operation will also occur whenever the controller calculates that the antenna pointing

error could exceed the error specified by the Max Track Error CONFIG mode item because of

the satellite's apparent motion. The controller determines this time interval by knowing the

satellite's inclination (specified when the track is initiated via SETUP Mode) and the antenna

beamwidth (calculated by having information on the antenna size and frequency band).

Since the track table has 48 entries and a sidereal day is 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds

long, a track table-inspired peakup will occur roughly every 30 minutes. A problem can arise if

a Max Track Error inspired peakup is in progress when the track table peakup should occur -

the controller will not perform the track table peakup, and no azimuth and elevation position

data will be stored in the track table. This causes gaps in the track table data (which may be

examined via the TRACK MENU - VIEW function). To prevent this from occurring, the

controller will not initiate a Max Track Error peakup within 120 seconds prior to a sidereal time

that corresponds to a track table entry. The 120 seconds is referred to as the Peakup Holdoff


The user can change the Peakup Holdoff Interval by manipulating the value of the Az/El Slow

Deadband CONFIG mode item. If the Az/El Slow Deadband CONFIG mode item is a multiple

of 50, the default value of 120 seconds is used as the Peakup Holdoff Interval. The user can

select any Peakup Holdoff Interval (up to 500 seconds) by selecting a Peakup Holdoff Interval

that is not a multiple of 50.

The relationship between these two items is illustrated by way of an example:

Az/El Slow Deadband = 818 milliseconds

818 divided by 50 equals 16 with a remainder of 18. For this case the Peakup Holdoff Interval

will be (18 * 10) or 180 seconds.

The Peakup Holdoff Interval should be longer than the worst case time that it takes to perform a

peaking operation. The worst case peakup time will correspond to the portion of the satellite's

apparent motion when the satellite is passing through the earth's equatorial plane.