3remote mode, 4track mode, Remote mode – Research Concepts RC2000C User Manual
Page 50: Track mode, 3 remote mode, 4 track mode

RC2000C Az/El Tracking Antenna Controller
Chapter 5
Modes Function Description
Research Concepts, Inc. • 5420 Martindale Road • Shawnee, Kansas • 66218-9680 • USA
5. When the automatic move is completed, control will transfer to MANUAL mode if the target is a
geostationary satellite. If the target of the automatic move is an inclined orbit satellite, TRACK
mode receives control.
NOTE: If a polarotor is installed in the system, when the power is turned off, the polarotor probe
may move slightly away from the last position it was commanded to move to. When power is
reapplied, the polarotor probe will move back to the position it was at before power was
removed. For this reason, always leave the controller on.
AZ:178.4 EL: 44.2 PL: 15 H S:635 REMOTE
In REMOTE mode the controller only responds to commands received via the built-in RS-422 serial
port. REMOTE mode can only become active if the Remote Mode Enable CONFIG mode item is
enabled. If REMOTE mode is enabled, it can become active either via the MODE key or in response to
the reception of a valid command via the serial port. Note that TRACK mode can process certain serial
port commands. The REMOTE mode screen is similar to the MANUAL mode screen. The only
differences are that the satellite longitude and 'SPEED:' banners are not displayed. Only the MODE key
is active when REMOTE mode is active.
AZ:178.4 EL: 44.2 PL: 73 V S:621 TRAK K
TRACK mode is invoked either from SETUP mode or AUTO mode to track inclined orbit satellites.
TRACK Mode consists of 4 sub-modes: STEP, PROGRAM, SEARCH, and ERROR. The track sub-
mode that is currently active is displayed to the right of the satellite name. Status information relating to
the submode that is currently active is displayed to the right of the sub-mode. The tracking algorithms
along with these sub-modes are described in section 4.2. The frequency band (L, C, or K) of the
transponder which the controller assumes that it is tracking is displayed in the upper right hand corner
of the display.
Whenever the 'IDLE' message is displayed on the bottom row of the display:
a. the current time is displayed in an hours.minutes format (00.00 to 23.59),
b. the '0-MENU' message will be displayed to the right of the time display if Expert Access is enabled
via CONFIG mode, and
c. the POL CCW, POL CW, H, and V keys may be used to adjust the polarization if remote mode has
been disabled.
The '0-MENU' display indicates that the user can hit the 0 key to activate the TRACK mode menu.
From the TRACK mode menu the user can view the contents of the track table, see the current sidereal
time and the scale factors for the satellite currently being tracked, modify certain track parameters, and
initiate certain track operations. See section 5.4.5 for a description of the TRACK mode MENU system.
If TRACK mode receives control via SETUP mode, the controller will perform some data initializations
and switch to the STEP track sub-mode. The SCALE FACTOR and SYSTEM errors may be detected
during the initialization. These are described in chapter 7 - TRACK Mode Errors.
If TRACK mode receives control via AUTO mode, the controller will check for the presence of track
table information for the current sidereal time. If track table information is found, the controller will
activate the PROGRAM track sub-mode. If track table information is not available, the SEARCH sub-
mode will receive control.