Research Concepts RC2000C User Manual

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RC2000C Az/El Tracking Antenna Controller

Appendix E

Communications Protocol

Research Concepts, Inc. • 5420 Martindale Road • Shawnee, Kansas • 66218-9680 • USA

byte 0:


byte 1:


where A is the RC2000 address

byte 2:


the miscellaneous command code

byte 3:


the sub-command code

byte 4:


the sub-command parameter

byte 5:


byte 6:


The sub-command code 'X' can have the following values ...

'X' = 'R'

This specifies the azimuth or elevation drive reset command.
This accomplishes the same function as the RESET mode of
the RC2000: it allows the user to reset the solid state drive
circuits if an azimuth or elevation alarm has been detected.
When the sub-command code is 'R', the sub-command
parameter 'Y' must be either 'A', 'E', or 'P' (for azimuth,
elevation, or polarization respectively) to specify which axis will
be reset. If the 'P' command is specified, the command will be
accepted only if the RC2000A is configured for use with the
optional rotating feed.

'X' = 'P'

This sub-command allows the host to enable or disable the
autopol mode. If the sub-command is 'P' the sub-command
parameter 'Y' must either be 'N' or 'F' (for autopol oN or ofF,

'X' = 'T'

This sub-command is used to reset track mode errors (sub-
command parameter 'Y' = R). When the TRACK mode
ERROR sub-mode is active this command will cause the
ERROR sub-mode to terminate. The controller will react as if
TRACK mode was activated via AUTO mode. Note that if a
system error is active (an error message flashing on the bottom
row of the display) the condition that generated the system
error must be rectified or the controller will probably return to
the TRACK mode ERROR sub-mode.

This sub-command can also be used to switch frequency
bands when a dual band satellite is being tracked. A sub-
command parameter of 'C' will specify C band and a sub-
command parameter of 'K' will specify K band. The reply to
this command will be a NAK if TRACK mode is not active, the
satellite being tracked was not specified as a dual band
satellite (when the track was initiated via SETUP mode), or if
track polarization movement is not allowed (see byte 35 of the
device status poll command).

The reply to this command will be the same as the reply to the status poll query except the command

code will be '36h'.


A C program named, RC2KC.exe, is available which allows a user to exercise the RC2000 via

commands sent to the controller’s serial port. The program runs on an IBM PC (or compatible - running

DOS) and was designed to aid the software developer who is writing programs to control the RC2000.

All of the commands listed above can be sent to the controller. The program features three windows.

In the top window the user is prompted for commands to send to the controller. In the middle window,

the command strings sent to the controller are displayed. The bottom window displays all characters

received from the controller. The source code is included with the program and a developer may