9re-sync mode, 10config mode, Re-sync mode – Research Concepts RC2000C User Manual

Page 59: 10 config mode, 9 re-sync mode

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RC2000C Az/El Tracking Antenna Controller

Chapter 5

Modes Function Description


Research Concepts, Inc. • 5420 Martindale Road • Shawnee, Kansas • 66218-9680 • USA




The RE-SYNC feature allows the azimuth and elevation positions of a satellite stored in non-volatile

memory to be loaded into the controller's current azimuth and elevation position counters. This feature

is useful if a faulty position sensor or a noise impulse results in an errant position count. By using this

feature, the user simply has to correct one satellite location, and the RC2000C automatically will correct

all others.

1. While in MANUAL mode, jog the antenna to a satellite whose location was previously stored in

memory. (NOTE: Do not re-sync using an inclined orbit satellite!) Use a Ku band satellite if


2. Proceed to RE-SYNC mode.

3. Scroll through the list of assigned satellites (in alphabetical order) until the correct satellite name is


4. Press the ENTER key. The system will respond with the message


and will return to MANUAL mode.

5. With an assistant out at the antenna, validate the accuracy of the limits by moving the antenna to all

four limit positions (Azim CCW, Azim CW, down, and up).

5.10 CONFIG Mode

The CONFIG mode allows the user to view and/or modify various controller parameters and to enable

or disable certain features. When this mode is active, the SCROLL keys may be used to select various

items for either viewing or modification. To change the value of a parameter, the user can simply key in

a new value. The BKSP (backspace) KEY is active during data entry. If a new value is keyed in, for the

change to take effect and update the parameter's value in the controller's non-volatile memory, the entry

must be terminated with the ENTER key. If the present value of the parameter is invalid, '*' characters

will be displayed in the item's data field. If the user terminates a data entry with the ENTER key and the

value is accepted, the next CONFIG mode item will be displayed. If the user terminates a data entry

with the ENTER key and the data is not accepted, the CONFIG mode item will not change. The MODE

key can be pressed at any time to exit CONFIG mode.

Access to certain CONFIG mode items can be restricted depending on the status of the Expert Access

flag and by the values currently assigned to certain CONFIG mode items. When the Expert Access flag

is reset (see section 2.5), the only CONFIG mode items which will be accessible will be the AutoPol

Enable, Simultaneous Az/El Enable, and Expert Access Enable. When the Expert Access flag is set,

access to the other CONFIG mode items can be further restricted by the value of a controlling CONFIG

mode item.

An example will clarify the concept of a controlling CONFIG mode item. Three CONFIG mode items

related to access to the controller via its serial port are Remote Mode Enable, Comm Port Address, and

Comm Baud Rate. The Remote Mode Enable CONFIG item is the controlling item for the Comm Port

Address and Comm Baud Rate items. If the Remote Mode Enable CONFIG mode item has a value of 0

(disabled) then the other two items will not appear in the list of CONFIG mode items. In the descriptions

which follow the controlling items and the items that are controlled by other items will be clearly
