4 azimuth and elevation slow speed codes, 5 azimuth and elevation angle display – Research Concepts RC2000C User Manual

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RC2000C Az/El Tracking Antenna Controller

Chapter 5

Modes Function Description


Research Concepts, Inc. • 5420 Martindale Road • Shawnee, Kansas • 66218-9680 • USA

3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96 ENT,BKSP,SCRLL ^v

5.10.4 Azimuth and Elevation Slow Speed Codes

The Azimuth and Elevation Slow Speed CONFIG items can be used to set the azimuth and elevation

slow speed codes. Please refer to section 3.5 for more information on the slow speed system. The

range of values for these parameters is from 1 to 254. Higher numbers give faster speeds. (For a

given axis, a slow speed code of 254 will disable the slow speed system for that axis - all movement will

occur at fast speed.) For most motor/sensor combinations, a slow speed code in the range of 140 to

175 is appropriate. If the slow speed codes are changed, test the slow speed system to insure that the

selected values yield reasonable results. Access to these CONFIG mode items are allowed only when

the Expert Access flag is set. The procedure used to determine the slow speed parameters is

described in section 3.5.

To implement slow speed the RC2000 pulse width modulates the voltage applied to the drive motors.

In some applications, the +/- 36 volt output of the RC2000 is used to activate controls that energize the

motors which actually move the antenna. For these applications slow speed should be disabled by

setting the azimuth and elevation slow speed codes to 254. More information on these applications is

available in the paper entitled ‘Controlling Antennas Powered by AC or Large DC Motors with the

RC1000 or RC2000 Antenna Controllers’. With some controller’s this paper is included as an

addendum to this manual. The paper is also available from RCI.



5.10.5 Azimuth and Elevation Angle Display

The RC2000C has the ability to display azimuth and elevation position in an angle format. This feature

can greatly facilitate the process of locating satellites for systems that use an elevation over azimuth

type antenna mount. Please see section 3.7 for more information on how to enable and calibrate this

feature. Access to these CONFIG mode items is allowed only when the Expert Access flag is set.

Briefly, to calibrate the angle display feature, the user locates two satellites and records their azimuth

and elevation position count values. The scale3.exe PC program (for IBM compatibles - shipped with

each controller in the back of this manual) is then used to calculate azimuth and elevation scale factors

that are entered into controller via the CONFIG mode items described in this section. The scale3.exe

program prompts for the antenna latitude and longitude, and the longitude, azimuth position count, and

elevation position count values for a pair of satellites which have been located with the controller.

The Angle Display Enable item is the controlling item for the other items described in this section.

When this parameter is set to 1 (enabled), azimuth and elevation positions are displayed in an angle

format using the other items described in this section.


The Display Az Gain and Display Az Offset items are used to calibrate the display of azimuth position

according to the following formula:

(Northern Hemisphere)

Display_Angle (tenths of degrees) = 1800 + ((100 * (Azim_Position_Cnt - Display_Az_Offset)) /
