OpenEye GraniteRack 3U User Manual
Page 67

64bit LBA: the max. size 512TB, for Unix or Linux.
Due to LSI53C1030T does not support 16byte CDB for 64bit LBA, vendor
specific 12byte CDB is used for 64bit LBA support. The system may detect up
to two tera bytes only. A patch driver is needed to enable the system to detect
over two tera bytes. Please contact your vendor for supporting.
For Windows: the max. size 16TB , just use with “ basic disk manager “ under
OS Window 2000, 2003 or XP. Noted that can’t be used by with dynamic disk
Initialization Mode:
Set the Initialization Mode for the Volume Set. Foreground mode is faster
completion and background is instant available.
Strip Size:
This parameter sets the size of the stripe written to each disk in a RAID 0, 1,
0+1, or 5 logical drive. You can set the stripe size to 4 KB, 8 KB, 16 KB, 32
KB, 64 KB, or 128 KB.
A larger stripe size produces better-read performance, especially if your com-
puter does mostly sequential reads. However, if you are sure that your com-
puter does random reads more often, select a small stripe size
Note: RAID level 3 can’t modify strip size.
Cache Mode:
The RAID subsystem supports Write-Through Cache and Write-Back Cache.
Tag Queuing:
The Enabled option is useful for enhancing overall system performance under
multi-tasking operating systems. The Command Tag (Drive Channel) function con-
trols the SCSI command tag queuing support for each drive channel. This function
should normally remain enabled. Disable this function only when using older SCSI
drives that do not support command tag queuing
Max SCSI Speed:
The RAID subsystem supports 320 MB/sec as the highest data transfer rate.
SCSI Channe
l: The RAID subsystem supports one SCSI Channel or Dual
SCSI Channel.