ONICON System-10 P1 User Manual

Page 40

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11451 Belcher Road South, Largo, FL 33773 • USA • Tel +1 (727) 447-6140 • Fax +1 (727) 442-5699 • [email protected]

System-10-P1 Manual 10/14 - 0656-9 / 18320

Page 40


Alarm Status Menu Page

STATUS NORMAL indicates normal operation. The display will indicate STATUS ALARM when

any one of the 5 alarms listed below is present.

Volume (Flow) Scale Overrun – This alarm is present whenever the volume flow rate causes the

incremental volume total to accumulate at a rate that is too fast.

To clear this alarm message, first confirm that the flow rate data and pipe diameter data on the tag

attached to the meter corresponds with the actual flow rate and actual pipe diameter. Any

mismatch between the calibrated and actual flow rates or the calibrated and actual pipe diameter

will cause this alarm message to appear. Contact ONICON for assistance in correcting this


Heat (Energy) Scale Overrun – This alarm is present whenever the energy flow rate causes the

incremental energy total to accumulate at a rate that is too fast.

To clear this alarm, first confirm that the actual temperature sensor readings and the actual flow

reading are within expected norms and match the calibration data provided for the System-10

BTU Meter. Either an excessively high delta temperature or an unexpectedly high flow rate can

cause this alarm message to appear. Contact ONICON for assistance in correcting this condition.

Pulse Overrun – This alarm is present whenever the incremental energy total is accumulating at a

rate that exceeds the time interval required for the 50% duty cycle of the pulse.

This alarm will normally coincide with either the volume scale or heat scale alarms. That

message must be cleared before this message can be cleared. Contact ONICON for assistance in

correcting this condition.

Top Turbine – This alarm will occur whenever zero pulses are accumulated from the top turbine

while simultaneously pulses are accumulating from the bottom turbine. To clear this alarm, the

flow meter should be physically inspected to determine why the top turbine is not rotating.

Bottom Turbine – This alarm will occur whenever zero pulses are accumulated from the bottom

turbine while simultaneously pulses are accumulating from the top turbine. To clear this alarm,

the flow meter should be physically inspected to determine why the bottom turbine is not


System Reset Count – The last 3 digits on the display indicate the total number of system resets

that have occurred since the current version of the firmware was loaded.

Volume (Flow) Scale Overrun: OK=0; Alarm=1

Heat (Energy) Scale Overrun OK=0; Alarm=1

Pulse Overrun: OK=0; Alarm=1

Top Turbine: OK=0; Alarm=1

Bottom Turbine: OK=0; Alarm=2

System Reset Count: Number of system resets=0-255