ONICON System-10 P1 User Manual

Page 36

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System-10-P1 Manual 10/14 - 0656-9 / 18320

Page 36


Confirm flow meter

location and adequate

straight pipe run to

achieve desired results.

Confirm that the flow

meter location is

identified and selected

as per section 4.5 of

this manual.

Is the flow meter located in the correct location as required by the plans?

Compare actual straight pipe upstream and downstream of the flow meter

location to the recommended distances identified in the flow meter installation


Note: The flow meter manual is very conservative, assuming worst-case pipe

obstructions. Contact ONICON to discuss specifics of your application. If

straight pipe run is very short, consult ONICON PRIOR to installing the flow

meter to discuss the possibility of upgrading to a different flow meter.

Review and record the meter location program setting.


Confirm pipe size &


Confirm that the flow meter is tagged for the pipe diameter and material it is

installed in and that this information corresponds to the information listed

on the BTU meter certificate of calibration. When in doubt, measure the

circumference of the pipe.

Pipe O.D. = (circumference / 3.14) – (insulation thickness x 2)


Confirm insertion

depth and orientation

(for insertion meters


Each insertion type flow meter comes with an attached insertion gage and

instruction tag. Ensure that meter is inserted to correct depth and that the

electronics enclosure is parallel with the pipe, with the arrow in the direction

of flow.


Confirm temperature

sensor thermowell


Confirm that the thermowells are properly installed and the bottom of the well

is in the flow stream. Make certain that only the components supplied with the

installation kit were used and that additional bushings were not added.


Confirm temperature

sensor installations.

Confirm that the temperature sensors are properly installed, and each sensor is

bottomed out in the well. A small amount of thermal compound should be

applied to the tip of each sensor to improve the thermal transfer.

Each sensor has a black sleeve on the cable coming up from the metal sensor.

This sleeve in cut to length for the thermowell. When the sensor is fully

bottomed out in the well, the retaining nut can be tightened without any of the

black sleeve protruding through the nut.


Confirm connection to

correct ONICON BTU


Confirm that the flow meter serial number matches the BTU meter serial

number (when ordered together). Also confirm that the serial numbers of the

temperature sensors match the BTU and flow meters.


Verify the type of fluid

used in the piping


Confirm that the fluid specified on the BTU meter certificate of calibration

matches the fluid flowing in the piping system.


Confirm correct supply


Verify that correct AC voltage is available at the power supply input terminals.

System-10 BTU Meters are configured to operate from 24, 120 or 230 VAC input

voltage (not field selectable).

Input voltages should be within the following ranges:

24 VAC: 20 - 28 VAC

120 VAC: 108 - 132 VAC

230 VAC: 207 - 253 VAC

The System-10’s internal power supply will provide 24 VDC to power the

ONICON flow meter (except F-3100/F-3200) which can be measured at T-4, pins

1 (+) and 2 (-).

In order to proceed with the following steps, the BTU meter must be operating and connected to the network.

There must also be flow in pipes. Flow signal readings should be taken while holding the flow rate constant if

possible. Otherwise, take the various output readings as quickly as possible.

Select the SUPPLY

TEMP page. Note and

record the temperature.

Scroll through the BTU meter display pages and select the SUPPLY TEMP page.

Note the displayed temperature and confirm that it is close to the design

supply temperature specified on the BTU meter certificate of calibration.

Record the temperature.

10. Select the RETURN

TEMP page. Note and

record the temperature.

Scroll through the BTU meter display pages and select the RETURN TEMP page.

Note the displayed temperature and confirm that it is close to the design return

temperature specified on the BTU meter certificate of calibration. Record the
