ONICON System-10 P1 User Manual
Page 37

11451 Belcher Road South, Largo, FL 33773 • USA • Tel +1 (727) 447-6140 • Fax +1 (727) 442-5699 • [email protected]
System-10-P1 Manual 10/14 - 0656-9 / 18320
Page 37
11. Select the FLOW RATE
page. Note and record
the flow reading.
Scroll through the BTU meter display pages and select the FLOW RATE page.
Note the displayed flow rate and confirm that it is within the expected range
specified on the BTU meter certificate of calibration. Record the flow rate.
12. For flow meters that
provide a frequency
output, measure and
record output(s).
Compare calculated vs.
displayed flow rates.
F-1200 or FB-1200 only
Confirm both turbines
produce pulses.
The average frequency output signal is a 0-15 VDC pulsed output ranging up to
200 Hz and must be measured with a frequency counter or oscilloscope.
Measure DC Frequency (Hz) at T4 from terminal 6(+) to 7(-).
GPM = Frequency in Hz x 60
Meter Factor in ppg.
(Refer to calibration tag for meter factor.)
For the F-1200 or FB-1200 dual turbine model, also measure and record the top
and bottom turbine signals.
Top Turbine: T4-12(+) to T4-2(-). Bottom Turbine: T4-13(+) to T4-2(-)
Also, measure DC volts on same terminals. Five to 7 VDC is normal for a
spinning turbine. Zero or 14+ VDC indicates a stopped turbine. (1 to 4 VDC
could indicate a problem.)
13. Compare and record
the displayed values
with those shown by
the building control
Scroll through each page of the BTU meter display menu and compare the
displayed values with those shown on the building control network. Record
the results.
End of standard commissioning. Please contact ONICON at (727)447-6140 with any questions.