Chapter 6: loading graphic images – Microcom 470 User Manual
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470 Operators Manual
The Microcom 470 printer is capable of storing multiple graphic images. You may either use
the Microcom "PCX2470" software to create a PGS or PGV file from a PCX or PCC file, or use
your own software to format a graphics file into a form that the printer can understand.
METHOD #1: Create your own software to manipulate graphic files into the 470 format.
METHOD #2: Use the "PCX2470" software to turn your PCX file into the 470 format.
METHOD #3: Use a WYSIWYG on-screen label design package to convert the PCX file.
To Create Graphic Images Using the "PCX2470" Software.
A) Type at DOS prompt - PCX2470 filename.ext
B) Follow the on screen instructions and note the slot # the image was placed in.
C) Down-load resulting file (filename.pgs or filename.pgv) file to printer
D) Section 4.5.3 explains how to access loaded images.
This information is made available to companies that may need to convert other graphic
formats to the 470 format.
A compressed image consists of an "Image Descriptor Block" followed by the "Modified-
Hamming encoded image.
Image Descriptor Block
Encoding Method (word)
- 1 for Modified-Hamming
Width (word)
- width of image in dots
Height (word)
- height of image in dots
Length (word)
- length of encoded image in 16 bit words
The compressed image is a packed array (packed in words, low byte followed by high byte) of
variable width codes representing a run of either black or white dots. Different codes are used
for white and black runs. The first run of each encoded row is white. If the first pixel of the
image row is black, encode a white run of zero length. Each run consist either of a terminating
code (if the length of the run is less than 64) or a make-up code followed by a terminating code
(if the length of the run is 64 or more). The end of each row of the image is indicated by the 12
bit end of line code: 000000000001. Pixels right of the receipt of the EOL code are white. The
following page contains a list of the terminating codes.