Microcom 470 User Manual
Page 51

Chapter 5
Printer Commands
470 Operators Manual
Unless otherwise specified, these commands are entered by sending a ^DXX, where XX is the
command number. It is followed by a carriage return or another control code. Some
commands load data or control numbers and are preceded by a ^AXX, where XX represents
the data or control number. Unless otherwise specified, command codes should appear first in
the label format, if a label format is being sent.
Unless stored in a non-volatile user memory, all commands not listed in 5.3.1 (the Battery
Backed RAM and software switch section) are not retained when the printer is turned off and, if
desired, must be sent again upon power-up.
When possible, the following commands are grouped by function. See the Quick Reference
Command Summary in Appendix D for a listing by number.
Some commands can be substituted with equivalent control codes. If this is the case, there will
be an equivalence statement in the description.
Example of command usage:
^A3^D75^D35 (This sequence will print a batch of three labels).
The following commands are different from the other printer commands in that they are stored
in Battery Backed RAM, are non-volatile and configure the machine upon power-up. Once sent
to the printer, they do not need to be sent again.
Verify the new dip switch settings by either sending ^D29 to the printer (switch settings will be
sent back to the computer) or place the printer in 'test mode' by turning on the printer with the
PRINT/PAUSE button pressed (this will print a label with switch statistics). Note: Turn the
printer off and back on to clear this test mode.