Microcom 322M User Manual

Page 49

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Chapter 6

Printer Commands

322M Operator’s Manual






Change SW2: Software DIP Switch #2. The DIP switch commands may use

either the ^A(decimal) or ^AB(binary) value. Since each bit represents a setting for
the printer, the soft switches are always reported in binary.

^AB12345678 (each bit is represented by a numeric position number)



Clear Text Function: If enabled, all variable text strings will be erased
when the ^D is processed.

1= Enable

0 = Disable


>RESTARTED< Response: If the printer has been reset and this
switch has been enabled, the printer will respond with the
>RESTARTED< message for the first enquiry to denote the reset
condition and then >READY< with following enquiries.

1 = Enable

0 = Disable


Button Use:

If set to a “1”, the printer will disable the button function.

1 = Disable

0 = Enable


Print Button:

Defines the print button. If set to a “0”, the button can be

used for feeding labels but the print function is disabled.

1 = Enable

0 = Disable


Power-up Format Type: Determines whether to use a saved format
file (1) or a ROM format. The printer must have battery backed memory
in order to save format files. The format is selected by switch positions
6, 7, and 8.

1 = Saved Format File

0 = ROM Format File

6,7,8 Power-up Format:
These switches are used in conjunction with switch

5 above. They determine which stored format is loaded at power-up.
The printer can be instructed not to load a format at power-up by setting
all three switches to 0. (Please note: The printer will not print unless a
valid format has been loaded. A format may be loaded by using these
switches to automatically load a previously stored format or by simply
sending non-stored format to the printer.)

000 = No Power-up Format

001 = ROM or Saved Format File 1

010 = ROM or Saved Format File 2

011 = ROM or Saved Format File 3

100 = ROM or Saved Format File 4

101 = ROM or Saved Format File 5