Meinberg SHSPZF LANTIME User Manual
Page 96

SNMP Support
The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) has been created to achieve a
standard for the management of different networks and the components of networks.
SNMP is operating on the application layer and uses different transport protocols
(like TCP/IP and UDP), so it is network hardware independent. The SNMP design
consists of two types of parties, the agent and the manager. SNMP is a client-server
architecture, where the agent represents the server and the manager represents the
client. The LANTIME has an integrated SNMP agent, who is designed especially to
handle SNMP requests for LANTIME specific status information (including status
variables for the internal reference clock). The LANTIME SNMP agent is also
capable of handling SET requests in order to manage the LANTIME configuration via
SNMP, if your SNMP management software is also supporting this feature. The
elements (objects / variables) are organised in data structures called Management
Information Base (MIB). The LANTIME includes the standard NET-SNMP MIB and
is based on SNMPv1 (RFC 1155, 1157), SNMPv2 (RFC 1901-1908) and SNMPv3.
The following SNMP version is installed on the timeserver:
Net-SNMP Version:
Network transport support:
Callback Unix TCP UDP TCPIPv6 UDPIPv6
SNMPv3 Security Modules:
Agent MIB code:
mibII, ucd_snmp, snmpv3mibs,
notification, target, agent_mibs, agentx
agent_mibs, utilities, meinberg, mibII/ipv6
Authentication support:
Encryption support:
By using the special Meinberg SNMP-agent all important status variables can be read
with SNMP conformant client software. Where applicable, a variable is implemented
as string and numeric value, for example allowing SNMP client software to use the
information for drawing diagrams or monitor threshold levels.
When using the NET-SNMP suite, you can read all status information your
LANTIME offers via SNMP by using the snmpwalk command:
snmpwalk –v2c –c public timeserver enterprises.5597