MEGA Corp. MMP4-2 User Manual
Page 26

MMP 4-2
5 Nov 2011
Water Pump Assembly
6. Check hydraulic fluid for excessive
bubbles, foaming and water contamination
7. Use hydraulic oils with anti-wear additives
such as these recommended oils or their
Pennzoil AW46 Hydraulic Oil
Texaco Rando HDAZ
Shell Tellas Hydraulic Oils
Mobil D.T.E. 20 Series
Chevron EP Hydraulic Oils
Exxon Univis N Hydraulic Oils
environmentally sensitive areas the use of
bio-degradable or non-hazardous oils such
as: Chevron Clarity, Exxon Univis Bio 40
or Mobil EAL 224H are recommended.
8. Remove Item 40 on Figure 1 to gain access
to the bearing housing reservoir fill plug
(Item 34 in Figure 1) and item 23 on the
discharge bowl, with the water pump in a
vertical position.
The water pump must be removed from the
boom and set in a vertical position on the
inlet end when performing this action. Any
other position will result in incorrect
servicing and improper component oil level
will decrease the service life of the water
pump, shaft and bearings.
There are 2 bearing fluid reservoirs in the
MMP4 water pump housing.
9. Check oil in the 2 bearing housings every
250 operating hours.
10. Slight dark discoloration of the oil in the
bearing housing is normal. This is due to
the wearing of the carbon face seal.
11. Presence of water or emulsified oil in the
bearing housing indicates immediate need
for seal replacement and inspection of
bearing. If this condition is present, refer to
MMP 4 Disassembly Instructions.
12. Change oil in the bearing housing every
500 operating hours or semi annually which
ever occurs first if no contamination or
fluid loss is present. Use clean non-
detergent 10W, 20W oil, AW32 or AW46
hydraulic oil.
13. The level should be at the spill point of the
fill plug. DO NOT OVERFILL
If there is a difficulty in checking these
fluid levels, ensure that FSB-9 (Water
Pump Lube Level Modification) has been
Oil Level Check Plugs on
Axial Water Pump