67 chapter 2 about bluebox world – MacroSystem Bluebox World User Manual

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Chapter 2

About Bluebox World

The term “Bluebox“ goes back to the origins of

a technology that enabled specific elements in a

video image, originally just the blue areas, to be

replaced with new video.

Imagine two photographs of the same size: the

first photograph shows an empty beach as a

background, while on the second photograph

someone is standing in front of a blue wall. (The

color blue is ideal as a background for people

because human skin has only very limited blue

components, making the differentiation between

foreground and background precise and easy.)

If these photographs are now placed one on top

of each other, with the photograph of the beach

underneath and that of the person on top, then

at first the beach photograph is entirely covered

by that of the person. However, as soon as we

reach for a pair of scissors and cut all the blue

parts out of the photograph of the person, we

have the impression that the person is standing

on the beach. The person, now free from the

original background, is then fixed on to the

photograph of the beach, so that the result is a

photographic montage with quite new contents.

The standard Bluebox effect from the

Casablanca series of devices is based on

exactly the same principle: two video scenes of

identical length are inserted into the storyboard,

and are combined throughout the length of

the scene using the Bluebox transition effect.

Here again the first (left-hand) scene is initially

entirely covered by the second (right hand)

scene. Instead of using scissors however, the

part of the second scene that is to be removed

is now specified by means of color selection.

Casablanca replaces the selected range of

colors, for the duration of the effect, with the

underlying video image from the first scene.

Bluebox World now goes far beyond the

standard Bluebox. To begin with, software

allows the ambitious amateur video film maker

to design professional Bluebox effects of first-

class quality with Casablanca according to a

very wide range of criteria. With Bluebox World,

you experience Bluebox to perfection:

• The selection of image regions can optionally

be made according to brightness values

(luminance key), according to color values

(chroma key), according to both brightness

and color (combined luminance/chroma key),

according to color saturation, to hue, or when a

specific black threshold is reached.

• An optimised Bluebox mode guarantees

realistic results, even when the light conditions

are not ideal.

• Soft, variably adjustable transitions between

the foreground and background avoid hard

edges at the transition region, so that even

complex image montages appear “genuine“.

• Any desired transparency value (alpha value)

of the foreground scene allows flowing


• Variable display and hide periods qualify

Bluebox World as a full-featured transition


• Masking and shifting foreground objects

allows individual image objects to be made to

fit precisely.

• Astonishing effects and effect variations offer

comprehensive tools for creative design.

• Live single-frame preview of all the effects

during the Bluebox design work saves time

consuming experiments.

• Successful Bluebox variations can be saved

permanently in the Bluebox World archive for

re-use in later projects.

• Several additional Bluebox World Image

Processing effects allow you to create

sensational video manipulations.

Thanks to its enormous range of functions,

Bluebox World can handle all the usual types of

application for Bluebox technology. With Blueb-

ox World you can:

• Achieve the“classic“ Bluebox effect of a

news reader in front of a blue wall in order,

for instance, for commentary to be spoken

against the background of a slide show or

documentary film.

• Put persons or objects in front of a different

background, so that, for instance, a rotating

globe in front of a monochrome background

can be included as a logo in your own video.