MacroSystem Bluebox World User Manual

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Chapter 5

Bluebox World summary

Bluebox World consists primarily of the

following components: one is the Bluebox World

program, while the other consists of several

individual Bluebox World effects for special

purposes. All the components of the Bluebox

World package are identified in the lists of the

transitional and long-term effects under the

name “BB “.

5.1 The Bluebox World program

The Bluebox World program (“BB Bluebox

World“) is a transitional effect. This means

that two scenes are always needed in order to

execute a Bluebox effect. Bluebox World joins

the two scenes optionally in the form of a scene

dissolve or in the form of a scene overlay. In this

case “overlay“ is initially to be taken literally,

because the second scene in the storyboard (the

scene on the right) initially entirely covers the

first scene (the scene on the left).

Only when specific color, brightness or

saturation values in the second scene are

selected with the aid of one of Bluebox World‘s

many selection tools, and made transparent in

an appropriate way, does the image content

of the first scene appear under the remaining

components of the second scene.

The result achieved in this way can then be

refined, modified or extended by means of a

large number of effects.

5.2 The individual Bluebox World effects

In addition to the program itself, the Bluebox

World package also contains a variety of indivi-

dual effects for special purposes:

5.2.1 BB Change Chroma (Image Processing)

Replaces a specific color within a video scene by

another, freely selectable color.

5.2.2 BB Separate Chroma (Image Processing)

Divides the video scene into two color regions, a

region with freely selectable color and a region

that contains all the other colors. The color

saturation for these two color regions can be set

independently over the range from 0 % (black

and white) up to 200 % (intensive colors).

5.2.3 BB Mask Rectangle (Image Processing)

Places a colored rectangle or a colored frame

with a freely selectable transparency level over a

video scene or over a section of the scene.

5.2.4 BB Move Rectangle (Image Processing)

Shifts a freely selectable section of a video scene

to a different position.

5.2.5 BB Copy Rectangle (Transitions)

Copies a freely selectable section from the

second scene in the storyboard to any desired

position in the first scene.