MacroSystem Bluebox World User Manual

Page 23

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Chapter 7

The individual Bluebox World effects

7.1 BB Change Chroma

(Image Processing)

Replaces a specific color or color area within a

video scene by another, freely selectable color.

The following settings are possible:

• Color selection

A rectangle whose position and size can be

freely selected encloses the largest possible

area of the colors that are to be replaced. The

rectangle should enclose the brightest and

darkest possible areas of the colors that are to

be replaced.

• Color span

The “Color span“ slider specifies how far the

color or hue may diverge from that of the

selected area.

• New Color

The new color can be selected from the color

box. Any archived color is also available. The

selected color is replaced by the new color.

• Method

Two methods are available for color exchange.

The “Color“ method replaces precisely the

selected color or color range with the new

color. This involves exchange of all the color,

brightness and saturation information. The

“Shade“ method on the other hand replaces

only the hue itself, leaving both brightness and

saturation unchanged.

7.2 BB Separate Chroma

(Image Processing)

Divides the video scene into two color regions, a

region with freely selectable color and a region

that contains all the other colors. The color

saturation for these two color regions can be set

independently over the range from 0 % (black

and white) up to 200 % (intensive colors).

The following settings are possible:

• Color selection

A rectangle whose position and size can be

freely selected encloses the first color region,

i.e. the region of colors for which the color

saturation is to be strengthened or weakened,

separately from all other colors.

• Color span

The “Color span“ slider specifies how far the

colors may diverge from the selected area.

• Saturation 1

Allows the color saturation of all the colors that

have been selected under color selection to be

set over a range from 0% (black-and-white) to

200% (intensive colors).

• Saturation 2

Allows the color saturation of all the other

colors in the video scene to be set over a range

from 0% (black-and-white) to 200% (intensive


7.3 BB Mask Rectangle

(Image Processing)

Places a colored rectangle or a colored frame

with a freely selectable transparency over a

video scene or over a section of the scene.

The following settings are possible:

• Select Area.

A rectangle whose position and size can be

freely selected is set to enclose the area of the

video image that is to be replaced by a freely

selectable color (mode:“In“) or that is to be

surrounded by a freely selectable color (mode:


• Mode

Indicates whether the effect is to be applied to

the internal region or the external region of the

video scene.

• Color

The color of the internal or external image

region can be selected from the color box. Any

archived color is also available. All the image

information in the selected area is replaced by

the new color. The alpha value indicates the

transparency of the new color.