5 s 7 min 2-3 min – Ivoclar Vivadent IPS e.max Abutment Solutions Cem Kit User Manual
Page 12
A thin layer of Multilink Hybrid Abutment is directly applied from the mixing
syringe to the bonding surface of the base.
The ceramic structure is placed on the base in such a way that the position
markings are aligned.
Excess in the screw channel is carefully removed, e.g. with a Microbrush or
brush, using rotary movements.
Glycerine gel (e.g. Liquid Strip) is applied on the cementation joint to prevent
the formation of an inhibition layer.
A thin layer of Multilink Hybrid Abutment is directly applied from the mixing
syringe on the bonding surface of the ceramic structure.
The components are joined using even and light pressure. Subsequently, the
components are tightly pressed together for 5 s.
The luting composite auto-polymerizes within 7 min.
Important: The components must not be moved until auto-polymerization is
completed. The components must be immobilized during this time.
Important: Excess must not be removed before curing has started,
i.e. 2–3 minutes after mixing. For the purpose, a suitable dental
lab instrument (e.g. Le Cron) is used and the components are held
in place with light pressure.in the process.
5 s
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